Mark embarked on his satisfying veterinary assistant career after interacting with a friend's animals, rather than Mark's own pets.
Mark was allergic to dogs and cats, so his family refrained from keeping these furry household pets. Once he connected with his friend's pets, he made the decision to develop a career working with animals and found his first veterinary assistant job while attending college. Fortunately, Mark's allergy problem was resolved after several months, making his veterinary assistant work much easier!
Mark's first veterinary hospital job began with kennel cleaning duty, although he always jumped at the chance to assist a veterinarian or assistant. Over time, Mark developed his veterinary assistant skills while he completed his Bachelor's Degree in Biology at Colorado University at Boulder.
After receiving his sheepskin in 2007, he moved to Fort Collins and applied to work at Moore Animal Hospital. Mark was immediately taken with the staff's easy camaraderie, even though they clearly took their jobs very seriously.
Mark really enjoys his "hands-on" work with his canine and feline patients and especially likes the variety of tasks he performs on a given day. He gains satisfaction from watching a beloved pet recover from an illness and also appreciates the chance to develop long-term relationships with the animals' pet parents.
Despite Mark's Colorado residence, he spent his early childhood in Nebraska, growing up with his parents and younger sister. Mark is an avid Nebraska Cornhuskers football fan and still returns to his home state for yearly football games. He also enjoys golfing, a sport that led him to participate on his high school golf team. After a hiatus of several years, Mark is back on the course and is constantly working to better his scores. He's also renewing his SCUBA certification and looks forward to exploring the fascinating world beneath the water's surface.
Finally, now that Mark has experienced the joys that dogs and cats can bring to his life, he's looking forward to adding a furry family member to his home in the near future.